Destinul tragic, al Tinerilor Crestini din Diaspora Romana:

Iubiti frati romani, spre deosebire de toate stirile crestine din lumea virtuala, publicatiile noastre reprezinta o drama tragica, care caracterizeaza si ilustreaza vieti reale, ale crestinilor romani din Diaspora. Articolele noastre reprezinta un conflict foarte complex si puternic, cu intamplari si situatii tragice, care se da intre doua generatii crestine. Cea mai afectata si lovita-n soarta generatie suntem noi, tinerii romani nascuti sau crescuti in America si Canada, care de ani de zile ne luptam pentru: supravietuire, recunoastere si acceptare in bisericile romane. A doua generatie sunt frati mai in varsta si pastorii nostri, care de-o viata se lupta din rasputeri, pentru a-si pastra si mentine: pozitiile dominante, puterea totala, si controlul absolut in bisericile dansilor. Pastorii si lucratorii nostri in general, datorita impotentei dansilor de-a predica si-n limba engleza, eii sunt ingroziti ca vor fi inlaturati de la putere de catre generatia tanara, si ca rezultat isi vor pierde functiile si salarul. Frati mai invarsta si batrani din poporul roman sunt inspaimantati, ca acceptandune si pe noi isi vor pierde: limba, cultura, oboceiurile si traditiile romanesti din biserici. Noi tinerii traim groaza de-a fi respinsi si alungati, groaza unui necunoscut care ne pandeste la usa, groaza izolari si a singuratati din bisericile romane, cat si pericolul de-a ne pierde pentru todeauna de la credinta... Cititi in continuare...

luni, 17 mai 2010

Peniel International Ministries camp in USA‏:

Peniel International Ministries (PIM) introduces two camps in USA: Peniel camp in Arizona (June, 20-25) and Camp Open Heaven in Alabama (July, 25-30). Greetings in the Name of our Lord, Jesus Christ! Dear friend! Living at the end of the last days it is a great honor that involves great responsibilities. The forces of evil are trying their best to deceive even "the elect". Therefore, it is OUR responsibility to take "the full armor of God" and fight for our souls and for the souls of the lost ones. If you want to know how to be more effective in this spiritual warfare, we invite you to join us at the two summer camps PIM will organize in USA!

More details:
1. "The Good Fight" - Peniel Camp in Arizona. Where: Payson, Arizona at Tonto Rim Christian camp - (see this site for more details).

When: June, 20-25, 2010

Who's preaching: Avram BERGHIANO (Portland), Florinel CIMPEAN (Chicago), Doru GURBAN (Phoenix), Lucian ONIGA (Bistrita), Iancsi SZASZ (Kitchener, CA), and others. Who will lead worship: Peniel band - AZ, Agape Worship Team - Portland and others. The participation fee for the camp that includes housing, 3 meals a day, the preaching/teaching sessions and all the games and activities is only $250/person.

Therefore, if you want to attend our Peniel camp in AZ, please register by sending an email to and by sending in advance the participation fee in the account no 457007350160 opened at Bank of America, AZ. The number of our campers is limited to 250, therefore, be among the first to register! We would appreciate very much if the above requests will be done by the leader that will join your group (one leader at max. 20 people). For more information regarding registration, please write to the above email address or call Paul Oniga at 602-757.12.37 or Doru Gurban at 602-653.31.75.

Other details regarding the rules and schedule can be found at
/ Peniel International Ministries. If you want to see a review of our last year's Peniel camp in Arizona, click here:

2. "After God's Own Heart" - Camp Open Heaven, Alabama

Where: Montgomery/Brigadoon, Alabama at Forth Faith Camp -
(see this site for more details).

When: July, 25-30, 2010
Who's preaching: Iosif BELEA (Brasov), Iulian COSTEA (Nashville), Gary CRAFT (Birmingham), Lucian ONIGA (Bistrita), and others. Who will lead worship: Peniel band - AZ, Philadelphia Youth Band - Atlanta and others. The participation fee for the camp that includes housing, 3 meals a day, the preaching/teaching sessions and all the games and activities is only $215/person.

You can register and find more information about this camp here:

For both camps:
When you come to both of these camps, please don't forget to bring with you a Bible, a notebook, pens, flash light, proper camp (decent) clothes, bed sheets, sleeping bag, and a good will! Please pray with us, so that God will bless the participants with an open heart, the preachers with heavenly anointing and the singers with an attitude of a true worshiper who will worship God in the spirit and truth. I'm looking forward to see God's face again at these camps! Don't forget: we are on the winning side, therefore, plan to be there for more training! Please partner with us by sending this message to all your friends in USA so that they might have the chance to enroll in His army, too! Thank you!
In the name of Peniel International Ministries team,
"Lucian Oniga"


East Coast Romanian Youth Convention - 2010

Friday, May 28 – Monday, May 31 2010 more info here:

2010 theme: IF MY PEOPLE PRAY….


West Coast Romanian Youth Convention -2010

MAY 28-31 2010
AT "THE ROCK CHURCH" 295 E. Orangethorpe Ave.Anaheim, CA 92801
The purpose of this conference is to strip away excuses, impart a sense of urgency, and get comfortable, over-churched Christians to open their eyes, stop looking inward, and start looking out to the vast fields of hurting, hungry lost souls in need of mercy, forgiveness, and peace with God. There is no plan B. God is calling you personally to step out in the power of the Holy Spirit and bring the Good News to the lost. Will you answer the call? Do you not say, ‘There are yet four months, then comes the harvest’? Look, I tell you, lift up your eyes, and see that the fields are white for harvest. [John 4:35]

“Not only our private prayers should be filled with God, by our witnessing, our singing, our preaching, our writing should center around the Person of our holy, holy Lord and extol continually the greatness of His dignity and power. There is a glorified Man on the right hand of the Majesty in heaven faithfully representing us there. We are left for a season among men; let us faithfully represent Him here.” A.W. Tozer

More info , here:


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